<h1>Hi I am the second blog</h1>
<p>Its great to see you again, I am just testing to see if our glob works</p>
<p>And if it does then this should be visible on the website.</p>
<p>I have written blogs earlier but they weren't hosted and built on something
that I built from ground up, this one is going to be one such.</p>
<p>I am building this blog using sveltekit and I am using Obsidian to write the
blogs and I will store the images that will be used throughout the website on
cloudinary to use it as a Image CDN.</p>
<p>I am liking the way svelte is built as it mostly stays away from how you want
would want to build your application and gives mostly full control over how
you would want to build your application and is very less opinionated.</p>
<p>If Svelte was around when I used to be a frontend engineer maybe I would still
be a frontend engineer.</p>